Docs, guides and manual
How to work with text?
The look of texts on your document can be defined by text style & text formatting.
One of the key concepts of is that documents + templates compose final documents. For that, most basic text styles are controlled on a template level.
For example: In templates you can define the global text style like font family, font size, font weight, text color and line-height that will be applied on your final document when exporting or sharing. Thanks to this, different documents will look consistent across an used template.
Text formatting is handled on the editor level when editing text; here you have fine-grained control on character, word or paragraph level for formattings like bold, underline, italic, text color, ordered & unordered lists, superscript, subscript, block indentation, add links, format as code and custom text styles.
To learn more about how templates influence text style, see the Templates section.
Generate text with AI ✨️
Starting from version 1.5, we are introducing features to generate text trough artificial intelligence. It will help you generating meaningful documents with less work. You can generate text based on user prompts you provide and give as precise instructions as you need to have considered in the generated texts.
To use this feature, you need to have a subscription to the AI tools. You can check the usage of your tokens in the AI tools menu or in your user settings inside the app. To learn more about how to subscribe for the AI tools, see this article in the accounts section