Docs, guides and manual
Organize documents

The document manager

You will land on the document manager when you log in to and have no document opened. You can always navigate to it by selecting the option the main menu in the top left corner.

On the document manager, you organize documents and control some actions - like sharing or exporting closed documents. You can change the sorting of your documents and see your recent or bookmarked documents. You can create groups to organize your documents and watch them individually.

The sidebar

Jump to bar
Document list
Groups with documents

The header

Main menu button
Add group button
Notifications button
User menu button

Document management

Open a document
Rename a document
Duplicate a document
Delete a document
Bookmark a document
Share a document


What are groups?
How to create a group
How to change the color of a group?
How to move documents to and between groups?
Viewing groups isolated

Updated 1 year ago
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